The human being has an endocannabinoid system, which allows us to produce endocannabinoids to adjust regulatory functions in the other systems of the body.
This article has the intention to present one of the endocannabinoids produced by the human body (without the use of cannabis or any other plant), which was baptized as Anandamide or its longer and more complex name: Arachidonoyl Ethanolamide, or in its absence we will use its abbreviation AEA.
Anandamide was discovered in the early 90s by Czech chemist Lumir Ondřej Hanuš and American pharmacist William Anthony Devane in the laboratory of Raphael Mechoulam at the University of Jerusalem (the laboratory of the one who "discovered" THC). Their discovery consisted of a molecule whose effects were later proven to play an important role in the realization of memory and in the generation of sensations such as hunger, sleep patterns, and pain relief (which is involved in the reward circuitry).
The effects of AEA can develop in the central nervous system or in parts of the peripheral nervous system in various regions of the body, producing pleasurable sensations that generate peace and tranquility, and this is where we come to the reason why it was called Anandamide, because "Ananda" is a word from the ancient Sanskrit language whose more accurate transliterations would be: inner bliss, or bearer of inner peace and happiness.
Wildflower Magazine
According to what is written about the history of the Buddha Sidhatta Gotama in the Pali Canon (the canonical texts of the most ancient teachings of the Buddha), the enlightened one had a personal assistant and faithful friend, who accompanied him wherever he went, his name was Ananda, a bhikkhu (Buddhist monk) whose main personality characteristics were a constant display of love, compassion and gratitude towards all living beings; an unmatched loyalty towards his own and an ability to memorize long discourses and texts with ease.
Interestingly, Ananda on several occasions let the Buddha know that despite sustaining a constant practice in vipassana meditation (or satipatthana, the meditation technique discovered by the Buddha, whose diligent practice brings the meditator closer to seeing reality as it is, without ignorance or desire), he felt that his progress was not enough to become enlightened soon, yet he achieved it some time after the Buddha left the Earth.
However, even if Ananda was not the best meditator among the bhikkhus, his presence brought peace and happiness to those who were close to him.
Anandamide can also be obtained from other natural sources, such as cocoa, especially cocoa, chocolate and black truffle (a European mushroom), and apparently the practice of meditation exercises or physical activity also generates it (the latter is only an assumption as there is no solid evidence to prove it).
Also, some studies seem to clearly demonstrate that anandamide plays an important role in the implantation of the human embryo, during its first stages as a blastocyst, in the uterus. Therefore, having a substitutive or supplanting activity (i.e. consuming cannabinoids other than anandamide, which can take the place of anandamide), such as delta2-THC can interfere negatively with fertility during the early stages of human pregnancy.
May anandamide bring peace and happiness to your lives.
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